PNRC creates ads promoting public notice

PNRC has created a suite of print and web ads publicizing public notice. That’s one of the ads on the left.

The ad campaign promotes public notice advertising as vital local content that is available in newspapers and on newspaper websites.

The website aspect is crucial. While most readers are at least vaguely aware that government notices are published in newspapers, far fewer know they’re also posted on newspaper websites. The ad campaign, which includes banner ads and other formats suitable for the web or print, is designed to address that lack of awareness.

Two more states pass web-posting bills

Is it something in the water?

Two more midwestern states passed laws last month requiring newspapers to post notices on their press association’s statewide public notice website. With Minnesota and Michigan joining South Dakota and Nebraska, four states in the region have now passed web-posting laws this year.

In total, eighteen states now have web-posting statutes on the books.

The new law in Minnesota requires newspapers to publish their notices on the Minnesota Newspaper Association’s statewide public notice website and to include an index link to the public notice section on their own websites. (Current law in Minnesota already requires newspapers to post notices on their website; the new law adds the index-link requirement and forbids the notices from being posted behind a paywall.)

PNRC: Newspapers must post notices on the web

One of the most important steps newspaper publishers can take to ensure newspapers continue to remain the exclusive vehicle for public notice is to expand the audience for those notices by posting them on their own website and on their state press associations’ statewide public notice website.

Just ask Nebraska Press Association Executive Director Dennis Derossett, who says that having a statewide website where members can post their notices — and supporting a law requiring them to do so — helped NPA convince lawmakers to increase the rates paid for those notices (see story below).

Nebraska modernizes public notice law

Nebraska became the second midwestern state to update its public notice law in 2022 when Gov. Pete Ricketts (R) signed Legislative Bill 840 on April 18.

LB-840 requires newspapers to post notices on the Nebraska Press Association’s statewide website. It also raises public notice ad rates from 45 cents per line to 48 cents per line for 12 months beginning Oct. 1, 2022, and to 50 cents per line on Oct. 1, 2023. That 11 percent boost over the next 18 months is the state’s first public notice rate increase in 26 years.

Making lemonade out of lemons in Florida

We have long feared the day the first state in the U.S. passes a law authorizing the government to post all or most public notice on government websites in lieu of newspapers. That day happened last month when the Florida House and Senate both voted largely along party lines to approve House Bill 7049.

Gov. Ron DeSantis is widely expected to sign the bill when it reaches his desk. The bill takes effect on Jan. 1, 2023.

[See a description of the key features of HB-7049 below this story.]

Midwest press groups seek to modernize public notice laws

(This article was corrected on April 28, 2022. See below for corrections.)

Press associations in four midwestern states are supporting bills that would update their states’ public notice laws.

Legislatures in Minnesota and Nebraska are considering bills that would require newspapers to post all notices on their press association’s statewide public notice website. Also in Minnesota, and in Missouri, lawmakers may respond to an evolving local media environment by relaxing standards newspapers must meet to qualify to publish notices. And in South Dakota, the legislature has already passed a bill with primary elements identical to the legislation being considered in Minnesota.

Ill-considered Florida bill on the move

Good news: By March 1, 2021, bills had been introduced in 20 states that would have moved all public notice, or a significant percentage of it, from newspapers to government websites. A year later we’ve seen similar legislation in only six states.

Bad news: The bill in one of those states — Florida House Bill 7049 — is a serious threat to become law. HB-7049 passed out of committee last Monday and is expected to be approved by the full House sometime this week.

So the battle over public notice in Florida comes down to the Senate, as it has in the past.

Public notice in Florida in peril once again

Our original headline for this story was “Newspaper notice off to good start in 2022.” But late last night we learned that Florida — a state that last year passed a progressive bill paving the way for the eventual migration of statutory notice to newspaper websites — was in play once again.

We haven’t had time to digest the 40-page bill, but it’s clearly designed to undo the work that went into last year’s historic legislation by moving public notice to government websites. The committee bill passed out of the Judiciary Committee this morning with GOP backing on a straight party-line vote.

Self-storage industry tries something new

The last time we checked in on the self-storage industry, it had helped pass new laws in four states relieving itself of the burden of informing its indebted customers via newspaper ads that it was about to sell their property. By some estimates, about 30 states have now enacted statutes providing self-storage operators with non-newspaper notice options that are woefully insufficient.

The private-equity dominated industry is back this year with legislation in at least five states that would give it the option to jettison newspaper notice of lien sales.

Year-in-Review: The five best new public notice laws of 2021

We began 2021 with a sense of dread. We feared it might be the year the first state legislature moved public notice from newspapers to government websites.

But that didn’t happen.

With only a handful of state legislatures still in session and little chance any of them will pass significant public notice legislation by the end of the year, newspaper notice is still alive and mostly well in every state.