Steamboat Springs — Concerns from Steamboat Springs Planning Department staff about proper public notice will result in the Planning Commission revisiting changes to the Community Development Code it recommended Sept. 26.
At a public hearing set for Oct. 24, the Planning Commission will consider recommending changes to the criteria for approval for development plans and preliminary plats.
Those changes, which include striking references to the community area plan, were recommended during a discussion that was advertised as being about variance criteria.
On Monday, Planning Department staff said that concerns about the changes not falling under the advertised agenda item were enough that another hearing was necessary to make sure there were no legal issues with public notice.
Planning Commission member Brian Hanlen made the motion that recommended removing references to the community area plan from the criteria of approval for development plans and preliminary plats.
During the meeting, city staff raised the issue of the recommendation being outside of the scope of the advertised agenda item. Hanlen said the changes he recommended applied to how variances were identified and were part of the discussion about variance criteria.
Even though only part of the recommended changes is at issue, none of the changes will go before the Steamboat Springs City Council until after the Oct. 24 public hearing.
To reach Michael Schrantz, call 970-871-4206, email or follow him on Twitter @MLSchrantz
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