Supreme Court refuses to hear Murfreesboro mosque case

The Islamic Center of Murfreesboro is under construction in Murfreesboro, Tenn., on Tuesday, May 29, 2012. Construction of the mosque that has been strongly opposed by critics of Islam likely will be stopped after a judge ruled Tuesday that local officials didn't give the public adequate notice before the meeting where it was approved.

Photo by Mark Humphrey

The Islamic Center of Murfreesboro is under construction in Murfreesboro, Tenn., on Tuesday, May 29, 2012. Construction of the mosque that has been strongly opposed by critics of Islam likely will be stopped after a judge ruled Tuesday that local officials didn't give the public adequate notice before the meeting where it was approved.

NASHVILLE— The U.S. Supreme Court has refused to hear the appeal of a group of neighbors who tried unsuccessfully to block the construction of a mosque in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.

A board member of the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro said he was hopeful that Monday's announcement by the court will bring unity back into the community.

"We're relieved, we're excited, we're happy," said Saleh Sbenaty. "We always believed in our justice system, and we believed that justice would always prevail in this country, and we had no doubt that the Supreme Court would make the right decision." Sbenaty said outsiders have come into Murfreesboro with a national agenda against Islam. The decision, he said, brings to a close the years long case.

It's not clear what opponents of the mosque will do next.

"It's in the Lord's hands," said Joe Brandon Jr., one of the attorneys who represented the group opposed to the center. "We have done all we can do." He declined to comment any further.

Neighbors have been arguing since 2010 that approval for construction was illegal. They contended there wasn't enough public notice for a meeting when the planning commission approved the project. The mosque was built anyway as the case moved through the local court system, because a federal judge ruled that it would be a violation of religious freedom and land-use rights not to allow Muslims to use the center.

The Tennessee Court of Appeals had already ruled that the public notice for the meeting that ultimately approved construction of the center complied with state law. The neighbors appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court after the Tennessee Supreme Court refused to hear the case.

Opponents of the mosque have now filed suit against plans to build a cemetery on the Islamic Center property.

Construction of the 12,000-aquare foot center has divided this college town about 30 miles southeast of Nashville. Vandals set fire to construction equipment and someone spray-painted the words "not welcome" on a sign.

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Comments » 6

grannynannymccann#719546 writes:

There's just no accounting for the ignorance of people who can't grasp the concept of religious freedom.

GoodMan writes:


sidewinder writes:

this building appears to be far more sensitive to spirituality than some local megachurches designed to showcase worship for the almighty dollar

ItsJustJello writes:

I am a staunch Christian who is decidedly conservative. This Mosque should be built and the people protesting It's existence should be ashamed. True Freedom requires us to accept the existence of those different from us. You don't have to join them or agree with them but you do have to live with them.

Hey black folk and screaming liberals. The same is true for NBA owners who are racists.

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